ADR Services For Business

We have ADR Services For Business. The initials ADR stand for Alternative Dispute Resolution. ADR is resolving disputes outside of the traditional courtroom. This is done through the use of mediation, facilitation or arbitration. Alternative Law strives to provide the most cost effective alternatives to going to court.

As one of the industry leaders in this field, we resolve legal, personal, or professional disputes. We do this with our group of trained mediators and other professionals. Our mediations do the outside of the time and expense of the litigation process.

If you have already retained legal counsel’s most we are able to work very effectively together for resolution. As long as your case is ongoing, you are still able to settle through this alternative. Thus, effectively putting the litigation process on hold. We can work with your counsel, or we can work directly with all of the parties directly, if you don’t. We have many locally owned and operated offices and strategic partners throughout the country.

Why Alternative Law?

Alternative Law is a government approved and recommended company that provides the clearest alternatives to ligation. If your primary goal is to sue the other side or engage in a case, you do not want us. Alternativly, you want a long court case, you want a firm that specializes in litigation.

If your last option is to sue or go to court, then we can help you. It must be clearly understood, that we do not want to help you spend the time and money to litigate. Only, if it’s absolutely necessary. We are not always against litigation, sometimes we even agree that is your last best strategic alternative or negotiating position. Our experience indicates that it is not the best idea in the vast majority of cases.

Are you already in court? Our job is to find a way to get the best results, in the fairest and quickest way possible. Most importantly, we do not want you to give up any strategic advantages. It has to be in both sides interest to settle and both sides have to want to retain a mediator. We help develop practical plans to benefit the strategic interests of the parties in a dispute. Our settlements allow you to achieve tangible results, finality and closure.

For over 20 years our mediators have been practicing Alternative Law mediation and ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution services. Our mediators have been trained by approved mediation institutions such as:

  • U.S. Government Agencies such as The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Cornell University
  • Harvard Law School
  • University of Massachusetts
  • Dispute Resolution Masters Program
  • the ABA, the Council of Family Mediators
  • or other local and national approved entities for mediation and ADR training.

We get results and guarantee your satisfaction.

ADR Services - Alternate Dispute Resolution



Mediation | Negotiation | Training

ALTERNATIVE LAW ADR SYSTEMS At ALTERNATIVE LAW, our clients are assisted by expert, professional neutrals mediators,arbitrators, professors, and attorneys. Our Mediators use a full range of the latest, most advanced, rigorously tested dispute resolution processes and techniques. They range from direct and indirect negotiation, to facilitation and mediation, including where absolutely necessary litigation to achieve satisfactory resolution.


This is where the parties collectively retain complete formal and informal control over the process and its outcome. This includes:

  • The ground rules and the agenda
  • The selection of the neutral.
  • The place and timing of the negotiation.
  • Use of their own negotiation styles and strategies.
  • When and how they communicate, listen and convey reactions.
  • Whether to obtain outside information, comment or feedback. And if so, whether to introduce it the decision to end the process at any time.
  • The ability to discuss and agree upon issues. And, solutions that need not relate directly to the subject matter of the dispute.
  • The acceptance of an outcome unless mutually agreed upon.


This sometimes referred to as as private caucusing. It occurs when all offers are passed through to the neutral. This is so that the parties do not have to engage in meetings or direct contact. This can occur throughout various stages of our processes.


This our program to design preventative ADR systems that will reduce the incidences and recurrence of conflict. This more easily channels all future participants into your alternative system of your choice. Then, it reduces time and legal costs for you and your organization.

Mediation Processes

In Mediation Processes, a third party neutral works to facilitate a negotiated settlement between the parties. The mediator facilitates the negotiations and evaluates the relative merits of the claims and defenses. The neutral does not have power to impose a solution or decision-the parties retain ultimate control over the outcome. The terms of the agreement are limited only by the interests and creativity of the parties and the neutral.

By agreement and permission of parties, the neutral sets the ground rules and may affect the order of the proceedings. This includes, the parties’ collective and individual analyses and the general dynamic of the settlement discussion.


This is by far our most successful and the option of choice for many of our clients. It’s because of its quick turnaround and high satisfaction and settlement rate. The “Best Ideas Win” is the most practical approach to resolving conflicts. It involves exploratory, interactive and participatory discussion with the parties and their counsel (if they have them). It is combined with a detailed analysis of the facts, personal, business and legal issues surrounding the case at hand. Thus helping to help determine a fair and just resolution of the issues at hand

FACILITATIVE MEDIATION is a process in which outcome control remains almost entirely in the hands of the parties and counsel. The mediator restores communication and helps to create options for resolution by:

  • Ensuring that all relevant information is understood by the parties or confirms that information flow.
  • Providing parties the ability to vent Coaching negotiators on next moves  
  • Helping parties invent settlement options transmitting offers and demands working to overcome potential impasses


Evaluative mediation occurs when the mediator creates more structure. Also, when the mediator injects his or her own view or prediction of the trial outcome. It is often used for more difficult cases, where the gap between the parties is large. Also, when the issues somewhat complex and the stakes are high. The mediator allows and promotes reality testing of their predicted outcomes by helping parties:

  • Work to thoroughly understand the parties’ fundamental issues, driving reasons and then factual and legal arguments.
  • Provides feedback on the relative merits of claims and defenses   Offering his or her prediction of the outcome in court.
  • In some circumstances, recommending settlement ranges.


This type of mediation and educational process goal is to transform the method and thinking for the participants. This is so that their future interactions will be accomplished in a different, less confrontational manner.


Neutral evaluation is a non-binding process in which the parties retain a neutral to provide an evaluation. This is based solely on the merits of the case. The neutral:

  • First the neutral reviews the underlying issues. And then, facts and legal positions of the parties either through briefs/ oral arguments
  • Next evaluates what the likely jury outcome might be.
  • Finally, provides hid direct and indirect input. And then, his or her view of the likely/fair results is not retained to facilitate the parties negotiations.


When mediation is not appropriate, arbitration is an excellent method to keep your case out of the clogged court system. Arbitration is a process whereby a neutral party, or private judge, decides the outcome of a legal case. This is outside the costs and confines of a courtroom. Arbitration is a much quicker and less expensive process that normal litigation. It is one of the fastest growing areas of dispute resolution. It can be utilized in all types of legal cases such as commercial, employment, real estate, discrimination, and family disputes.


Settlement conference are simple ,evaluative mediations frequently used in uncomplicated cases. The is where the parties may or may not be present. The neutral is an expert mediator, arbitrator, professor, who:

  • Reviews the cases with the parties and after a discussion of the facts and issues.
  • Then suggests a settlement number or ranges


A mini trial is a highly structured, formalized and evaluative mediation process. It’s where the parties cede a great deal of procedural control. It’s to reframe the dispute from the context of litigation to the context of a business problem. It requires the participation of non-legal party representatives with settlement authority who sit as a panel with the neutral. The neutral advisor: Works closely with the parties before the hearing to facilitate agreement on procedure and resolve disputes.  Oversees the panel of senior business officers moderates the mini-trial hearing and then provides an evaluation if necessary.  Facilitates settlement between the parties after rendering his or her evaluation.


Summary Jury Trial is also a highly structured, formalized and evaluative meditation process. It’s when a private “jury pool” is assembled to hear the case. The neutral advisor:

  • Sets up and presides over the process  
  • Oversees a mediation/negotiation period following the procedure to get agreement on settlement terms


Non-binding arbitration is a hearing process that looks and feels like arbitration, but is advisory, not binding. The neutral advisor(s):

  • Coordinates, sets up and presides over the process  
  • Reviews the factual and legal positions of the parties through briefs or oral arguments.  
  • Evaluates what the likely arbitration outcome might be


Neutral expert fact-finding can be a stand-alone, non-binding process, or it can be part of a larger non-binding process. It is used to help resolve a disputed technical issue. The neutral:

  • Finds facts and provides analysis after hearing presentations by the parties, and their experts
  • Acts as a substitute for partisan experts
  • Can conduct an independent investigation into the technical facts and issues.


Court Appointed Special Masters/Discovery Masters are appointed by sitting judges to assist with disputes that are legally or administratively complex. Discovery Masters are selected by the parties rather than appointed. The Special Master or Discovery Master:

  • Assists in designing case settlement options
  • May mediate the cases or groups of cases for mass torts
  • Mediates discovery disputes
  • Makes rulings on discovery issues that can’t be resolved.


In Adjudicative Processes, a third party neutral is brought in to hear and consider facts and/or arguments presented. Also render a reasoned binding decision or solution based upon an agreed upon standard of legality or fairness. The neutral’s role is to issue a solution for the parties. It is not to help them reach an agreed-upon solution to their dispute.


Arbitration is used as an alternative to litigation in commercial disputes and labor disputes. It offers less formal procedures, abbreviated presentations and the undivided attention of the neutral(s). The arbitrator(s):

  • Rules on discovery requests and disputes
  • Determines whether to apply rules of evidence and to what degree
  • Hears expert witnesses and cross examinations
  • Reviews briefs, documents and other exhibits
  • Entertains argument by counsel before rendering a decision Administers arbitration according to the Rules and Procedures for Arbitrations


High-Low arbitration or bracketed arbitration occurs when the parties structure an agreement. This agreement to “brackets” or limits the range of outcomes. The parties may agree that the arbitrator will decide only the issue of liability. It’s decided with predetermined sums to be paid by the defendant or plaintiff accordingly. It delivers a verdict on liability and damages while agreeing in advance on minimum and maximum payment sums. They aren’t told the high low range, in effect creating “blind high low” arbitration.


Final offer arbitration, also used in “baseball”, occurs when the plaintiff and the defendant submit a “final offer.” The arbitrator chooses an appropriate settlement between the offer or the demand presented based upon the settlement heard.


Private judging a private trial conducted by an expert is most similar to a conventional trial. It is because, the judgment may be appealed for errors of law, or as against the weight of the evidence. The neutral:

  • Is selected by the parties, often because they have the necessary expertise for highly complex or technical issues.
  • Is asked to try the issues in a case. Also, to make findings of law or fact enters a decision as a judgment
  • The judgment which will become a matter of public record. It offers parties the flexibility to exert some control over the timing of the resolution of their dispute


Med-Arb combines aspects of both mediation and arbitration offering both parties the ability to participate in a mediation. They agree in advance that if they unable to reach a settlement, the process will enter arbitration. The neutral can then serve as both mediator and arbitrator in an “integrated” process. Thy act to facilitate negotiations and also making binding decisions on stalemated issues along the way in a “separate” process. They will attempt to achieve a mediated settlement before changing roles.” And, decide any unresolved issues or enforce previously agreed contract points. If mediation does not produce a complete settlement, then arbitration is the next step in this dispute resolution process.

The mediator who by now is familiar with both positions, understands the facts. Then, will decide the case on its merits. Some clients feel that this process effectively serves a two fold purpose. And feel that and provides them with two bites of the apple. Also, it educates the arbitrator thoroughly on all of the issues. Then, provides for a clearer solution in the event that a complete agreement is not reached.

OFFER MED/ARB Occurs when each party makes an offer and the arbitrator decides which one to take.


This is our least utilized option as the parties have minimal control over the process or its ultimate outcome. However, sometimes in rare cases it is a necessity or the most desirable option:

  • The court retains ultimate authority, interpreting and applying the rules of civil litigation and the parties have very limited
  • The court sets discovery deadlines, conference dates and trial dates
  • And the neutral decision-maker is determined by the court the rules of trial practice
  • Evidence in the presentation of the case must be followed
  • Parties are bound to the facts and decisions by judge and jury. Also are subject to limited rights of appeal when only narrow forms of remedies are available
  • An award of money damages or limited injunctive relief arbitration

When mediation is not appropriate, arbitration is an excellent method to keep your case out of the clogged court system.

More on Arbitration

Arbitration is a process whereby a neutral party, or “private judge”, is responsible for deciding the outcome of a case. This is outside the costs and confines of a courtroom. Arbitration is a much quicker and less expensive process that normal litigation. It is one of the fastest growing areas of dispute resolution. It can be utilized in all types of legal cases such as commercial, employment, housing, discrimination, and family disputes.

ALTERNATIVE LAW provides the options, but the choice is yours. You can selected standard mediation, standard arbitration, or med-arb. Negotiation Sometimes, some people just want to plain-out win. We all know that feeling and we have all felt it. Our negotiation training and skills can help you do just that. However it may occur in a slightly different manner than you might expect. Mutual communication is very important for us to understand our clients needs. It’s also important for our clients to understand the strategic implications of implementation of a particular plan of action.

Are relationships important for the long term, for the short term, or not at all? Is it win at all costs deal or should it be a win-win situation for all parties. Does reputation or repeat or future business matter? What is this cost benefit approach and risk analysis and exposure? These are just some of the questions that have to be answered, understood and analyzed.

Unify Your Organization

Training is a also critical component for every organization and every person. It’s part of our educational process that we value highly. It provides long lasting and effective resolution to disputes.

Alternative Law is a strategic asset which can unify your organization, agency, department, vendors, and staff. We provide expert on-site personnel and diversity training, conflict systems design and dispute prevention plans. We also provide negotiation and mediation trainings. These methods enhance your organizational development, satisfaction and retention.

Alternative Law’s services can be included as a preventative measure in contracts. Also, as a workplace and cultural training tool, or as a stage in the problem solving and identification process. They’re also used during litigation as part of your settlement proceedings or at any phase. This is prior to a judge making the decision for you. Even lawyers and government officials can agree on some facts of life. In an adversarial process, certain legal cases can just waste time, money, and every other valuable resource. There are alternatives.

We Have Solutions

ALTERNATIVE LAW provides creative options, systematic solutions, and well developed strategies for agencies, officials, and employees. This is to settle issues when they are stuck in a dispute. Processes such as mediation, facilitation, and negotiation provide cost effective alternatives to your legal systems. They increase control over conflicts, self determination, information-based decision making, and effectively reduce recurrent controversies.


Our clients are assisted by expert, professional neutrals mediators, arbitrators, professors, and attorneys. We use a full range of the latest, most advanced, rigorously tested dispute resolution processes and techniques. They range from direct and indirect negotiation, to facilitation and mediation, including necessary litigation to achieve satisfactory resolution.

ADR | Best Ideas Win | Business Consulting | Clients | Training | Locations | Mediation | CONTACT US