Mediation Mitigates Landlord–Tenant Disputes From The Housing Crisis

The recent housing crisis has not been easy on home-owners. Many home-owners have been forced to foreclose. Often, this ends in bankruptcy and taking down large banks with them in the process. Bank of America, Wachovia and US Bank Corp are all large corporations that lost billions in the mortgage crisis. Mediation mitigates housing disputes. But a less-discussed off-shoot of …

Family Business Mediation Resolves Conflicts

In the family business mediation world , there are  great challenges and a diversity of opinions. We  are able to resolve complex family business disputes and provide family members parties with a clear path forward. This direction is especially true in ongoing  serious family business conflicts. Using  our family business mediation conflict services to help a family business grow  and …

Is There A Place For Verbal Business Agreements?

Commercial or business mediation helps manage the difficult communication issues that normally develop when business ventures are formed or to help manage ongoing relationships. A new business venture is in fact a new type relationship. Exciting at the start, even more exciting when rewarding, and can turn sour very quickly when conflict develops or losses   occur. Existing businesses may …

Is There A Place For Verbal Business Agreements?

Mediators are Problem Solvers That Produce Resolution

Alternative Law’s mediation and consulting solutions work for you and your company and it is guaranteed. We can do that because we are the industry leader in these types of services.Our processes produce engaging and challenging experiences. Mediators are Problem Solvers That Produce Resolution, Rewards & Measurable Results. We believe that, in mediation and consulting, the more experienced, disciplined, and creative …

Mediators Enable Individuals To Solve Problems

Mediation is an often an art as much as a science. No two mediators are the same, just as no two people are. Mediators come from different backgrounds, different geographies, different educational backgrounds, different ethnic influences and so on. And all that makes a big difference in their approach to mediation. Some are direct problem solvers  and more “solution developers.”Others …

Simple Process For Stressless Divorce

Divorce is stressful; there is almost no way around that. But in some extreme cases, it gets so stressful that incidents of long-term trauma, irreparable relationships, family turmoil or even hospitalization, long-term depression, substance abuse, etc. are not uncommon. When such as serious incident arises, you would hope that there are resources available to make the process easier. Mediation provides …