Family Business Mediation

Family Business Mediation

Alternative Law’s success rate for Family Business Mediation averages about 92%. The industry’s mediation success rate is about 78%. As we are the industry leader, we stand behind our work with reasonable rates and a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Our Family Mediation programs improve communication, identify the hard issues, and develop realistic alternatives.

We resolve your family’s business problems through our innovative Best Ideas Win program, combined with training, leadership, and teamwork.

Choosing the Right Family Business Mediation firm is Crucial

Choosing a family business mediation firm is a very important decision. It has a critical impact on the way you and your family solve your problems both now, and in the future. We will help you move forward with your decision making, succession planning, family, and business. Alternative Law’s Mediation saves you time and money and will cost about 50% less than maintaining ongoing destructive personal and professional simmering family feuds or hiring lawyers, And it eliminates the dramas of family infighting or of courtroom battles where no one truly wins, except the fighters or the lawyers or the legal system.

As you go through the process, ask other companies if they have such a solid guarantee. Review Alternative Law’s simple mediation checklist in this article. Explore the rest of what makes our ‘best ideas win’ mediation programs that produce real results every day. We grantee results for you and your family.

Alternative Law’s mediators create for your family, case-specific solutions. We design resolutions with real life working plans to make the most practical and economic sense for your family and business needs.

The frustrating realities of continued conflicts waste time, energy and money and gets more challenging every day. The personal and professional destruction, significant expense, and emotional toll it takes on a business, family, is an unnecessary and exhausting fact of life. It also negatively affects many of your personal and professional relationships. Significant collateral damage to your family, partner, friends, co-workers, finances, and business often occurs, but you can reduce or even eliminate it.

Family Business Mediator Checklist

  • Education and Training : Does your mediator have a mediation degree? Or just trainings and another professional degree instead?
  • Family Business: Are they actually a family business themselves? What extensive experiences do they have,  to practically understand the complexities and issues?
  • Locations: Do they have local offices or will they go to your office with NO travel charges?
  • Experience : How long have they been mediating? Is it their part-time or full-time occupation?
  • Certifications : Are they government-approved to assure quality training, protection and quality?
  • References : Who is on their reference list?
  • Guarantee : Do they offer a money-back guarantee? If not, why not?
  • Commitment : Have you or others interacted with and are you compatible with the mediator?

View our Top 10 Mediation Questions

The conventional approach is to battle it out, or hire lawyers, or do nothing. Some people do not want to air their dirty laundry, so they keep fighting until they have hurt or destroyed their closest relationships. Our mediation processes stop the damage and are completely confidential so the information does not get out. In fact, the law protects confidentiality.

While old beliefs are changing, old-fashioned approaches are very common. But they are the most costly ways to solve personal, professional and family disputes. It is usually unproductive and destructive for the families to continue arguing in these time wasting conflicts. It undermines both the family and business.- Most importantly, it is just unnecessary.

Family Business Mediation Resolutions Will help Improve Your Business & Your Family Life

Alternative Law’s mediation programs make the family systems work to improve not just your business structure, but also your interactions in your life and your family. Together, we will identify, address, and resolve the existing tensions and frustrations by creating a specific action plan tailored to your family. There is no one size fits all. While some very rare cases need to go to court, almost all of our cases fit the options of our mediation programs. While some opt to hire lawyers, less than 10% of cases reach trial, consuming substantial time, energy, and costs for all parties involved.

In the real world, many matters just drag on and continue to undermine the family from all sides. The damage spreads, relationships crumble, resources dwindle, and all parties waste precious time and money. This is an unacceptable, but most importantly unnecessary outcome.

You Have Alternatives

First, early mediation should come first as it saves time and money. The earlier, the better. Or in the alternative, you can always use our programs any time in your conflict, with your family and relationships at stake. Time is crucial, but our neutrals can help you make adjustments. We can also save any bad turns into additional resentments, family breakups or any other costly legal processes, unless you want a judge or a jury in their alleged ‘infinite wisdom’ to decide on its own what’s good or right for you or your family.

Next, in our mediation programs, you get to practical solutions quickly. Together, we develop and decide what are the best ideas about your situation. With our neutral experts, you have a substantial impact and direct input on how to resolve your issues, with techniques and guidance. We help make the Best Ideas Work. Family Business Mediation matters for the families and individuals involved on very personal and professional levels.

 Family business matters to you. It matters to us.

Third, you have clear and effective alternatives to the continual frustration of the interpersonal battles, with family friends or coworkers, or even lawyers. Alternative Law actively insures success through conflict management, effective structured resolutions, and peacemaking techniques. Our mediation services have time-tested and proven systematic step by step approaches.

Fourth, our structured programs define our family business mediation practices.They are less time consuming, expensive and destructive than constantly fighting it out behind the scenes in your family or worse in court. Utilizing our programs and solutions, we resolve your conflicts in the most timely, comprehensive, and professional manner, -guaranteed.

Fifth, while our results-oriented program you are an integral part of deciding the outcome with highly trained neutrals. Mediation offers you additional protection and avoids the adversarial routes of fighting with your family or resorting to costly court battles with lawyers when frustrated or unhappy with your situation.

Solid Plans have Solid Results

When you develop a solid plan or settle your matters through Alternative Law’s programs, your family dynamics noticeably shift, and your interactions progress. You get a clear operational family business working program, benefitting from realistic communication and expectations, improved job descriptions, more defined responsibilities, specific succession plans, and when necessary, even written, binding, and enforceable agreements.

Lastly, Alternative Law’s mediation services actively empower your family business with quality choices. How to direct or redirect your business, better address issues, and truly resolve your conflicts. Using our industry leading ‘best ideas win’ method, we help develop the best options to achieve real and lasting resolutions.

These results are on both personal and professional levels. You benefit from the advanced problem-solving approaches, resolution  techniques, and protections. We utilize some of the same methods we have provided to any of our corporate clients, with important individual designs specific to the multiple interpersonal relationships, complex issues, and professional intangibles that exist only in family businesses.

Next Step in Mediation Sessions

The next step towards a workable practical resolution, is a phone call, or email or just fill out the form below. After a confidential discussion with a mediator we will contact other parties and have a will conversation about the issues. Next, there may be an initial in-person mediation session. There is no obligation. After the first session, if necessary, there can be more group or private, or one-on-one sessions or telephone conferences, with our family business mediators. We guarantee your satisfaction. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you have no further obligation. Alternative Law does settle most of its cases, 92%, and provides the industry-leading money-back guarantee.

We use mediation services in all types of family business cases, which is our special area of expertise. Alternative Law’s mediation programs actively provide tailored business and personal solutions, working collaboratively with you and for your family’s benefit. The choices and consequences are yours. Our goal is to work with you to reduce conflict, create plans and develop a better future. Together, we develop sound alternatives let your best ideas win.

If you’re interested, learn more about our family business dispute resolution and consulting services today and fill out the contact form below—there’s no obligation.

Other articles: Paths to Family Business Success

Mediation matters for the individuals involved on a very personal and professional level. It matters to you, and it matters to us. We guarantee.

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