Employment Mediation for Consumers

Employment Mediation for Consumers

Effective Employment Consumer Mediation creates fair treatment and an acceptable resolution for both the employee and the employer.

Alternative Law’s employment mediation and dispute resolution services can work for you and your company just like we do for the United States government and hundreds of other individuals and businesses, whether they are part of large or small companies, unions, family businesses, non-profits, or the government.

Because of outstanding recommendations from individual clients and, when they have them, their lawyers, Alternative Law has just received honors from the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when it was selected to head the EEOC’s national program to address EEO complaints that arise anywhere in their purview from Maine to Hawaii.

The workplace is where we spend most our lives. If we are not at work, we are getting there or thinking about it in some capacity for well more than 40 hours per week. Employment disputes in the workplace are one of the largest growing business, legal, and human resource areas within corporations and the government. Unlike most other mediation firms, we require our mediators to have extensive experience on both sides of the fence in order to effectively provide employment mediation services.

We are Employees, Not Only Business Owners

Our employment mediators must have been employees, and not just business owners, to qualify as mediators to resolve these disputes. They also must pass our rigorous extensive preparation and training with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, and to work with both public sector and private firms.

Unlike most other firms that you will encounter, Alternative Law has employment mediators who have degrees in mediation. We work with mediators with degrees in their field and with judges, lawyers, trainers, and investigators on a regular basis. Mediators are trained in resolving a wide range of workplace disputes involving employment relationships, including discrimination based on age, sex, or race; programs for benefits, departmental conflicts, and whistle-blowing; hiring, firing, and promotions issues; and disability.

Consumer Mediation Solves Disputes

Workplace conflicts cause significant strain, stress, and frustration when you are on the job. Often because of the pressures, people inevitably bring those issues  home with them. We strive not only to assist in the resolution of your existing disputes, but also in designing prevention plans for future incidents.

If you are involved in an employment dispute or a lawsuit, Alternative Law’s Consumer Mediation services can help you resolve your dispute in the most timely, cost effective, and efficient way. You can contact us at 1.800.529.1516 or email us at mediation@alternativelaw.com

  • Sexual harassment
  • Wrongful termination
  • Constructive discharge
  • Whistle-blowing
  • Lay-offs
  • NLRB
  • Discrimination based on age, race, religion
  • Civil rights
  • Fact-finding
  • Retirement issues
  • Salary disputes
  • Hostile workplace
  • Individual and group conflicts
  • Labor and union disputes
  • Employment contracts
  • Organizational facilitation
  • Policies handbooks
  • Ombudsman services
  • Conflict audits
  • Dispute resolution design
  • Training in conflict resolution

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