LGBTQ+, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, queer, transgender and other mediations are specialized forms of mediation designed specifically to meet the needs of all the diverse communities within our culture. Today’s world of relationships is evolving constantly and becoming more inclusive and our mediation service meet the needs of all of the people in our society and the world.
Some states allow gay marriage early on and other states allowed civil unions in their stead. Others were brought along as it is now the law of the land. On their own and with education, Americans are coming to understand that all people deserve basic human rights and assistance in areas of LGBTQ+ relationships and marital mediation that bring to light a whole different set of facts, circumstances, and legal implications that did not exist even a few short years ago.
The Relationships have Existed Forever but LGBTQ+ Mediation for Them Has Not
For some, the most obvious example is that, before the LGBTQ+ movement gained national prominence and recognition. For others, gay marriage, gay and lesbian divorce and gay and lesbian partner or marital and trans mediation was not nationally recognized as a cricial commponnent to our society. This type of acceptance and problem solving mediation runs more deeply and involves who we are as a society and how we help all people interact, communicate and solve problems together.
Either way, most people can recognize that, regardless of whether they are officially recognized or sanctioned by the government, these relationships have existed forever. The LGBTQ+ community is alive vibrant and growing. Our mediation practice has opened up new resources and solutions for all members of our society.
Gay & Lesbian Mediation
ALTERNATIVE LAW’s LGBTQ+ mediation programs allow you to participate actively in all of these crucial decisions that impact the lives of you and your family in LGBTQ+ relationships.
- Divorce Agreements
- Separation Agreements
- Partner Agreements
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Post Divorce Issues
- Pre-Marital Agreements
- Reconciliation Issues
- Parenting Plans
- Custody Plans
- Visitation Plans
- Alimony/Child Support
- Paternity Actions
- Adoption Agreements
- Parent-Child Disputes
- Restraining Orders
- Education Plans
- Housing Disputes
- Relatives Disputes
- Financial Statements
- IRA’s/Pensions
- Bank Accounts
- Investment Accounts
- State And Federal Taxes
- Social Security
- Wills and Trusts
- Probate and Estates
We recognize that all people, binary and nonbinary, transgender and other people can have different skills in this area. Proper information, disclosure, options, and understanding by all parties are key elements necessary in planning for a well-considered separation or divorce that will be legitimate, legal, and stand up to the test of time.
We have also included answers to some general questions about our LGBTQ+ Mediation services such as:
How much time does it take?
Each dispute and case is unique in its own way and requires different needs and resources. As a result, no estimate of time can be precise. However, we have an initial range for divorce cases averaging 7-10 sessions, with each session lasting 1-2 hours.
How quickly do you respond?
Mediation is usually a very personal process. Although you are presently on the internet, divorce mediation also requires face-to-face meetings and telephone conversations. Unlike other services, we encourage you to call us first, with no charge or obligation, so that we may answer any questions that you might have and provide you with additional information. Our toll free number is 1.800.529.1516.
What does Same Sex Mediation cost?
While quality is the most critical ingredient in the mediation process, cost is also a very important component in any professional service. People often chose mediation because they receive excellent personalized service that reduces the acrimony and lessens the emotional toll on the parties, the time, and the costs of adversarial litigation process. Our rates range from $50 per hour per party to $245 per hour per party depending upon the complexity of the dispute and the qualifications and experience of the mediator.
What location is the best for me?
Alternative Law is a very flexible organization with many centers for meeting clients throughout America. If our offices are not suitable or convenient, we will arrange for a meeting place convenient for all concerned.
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