Frankly speaking, successful business practices are about how well we perform, deliver, and guarantee results for you, the client.
Alternative Law Mediation Results is specifically targeted to addressing your strategic plans resolving your conflicts. We resolve in a cost-effective and timely manner.
If you are involved in a legal, business or succession plan. Involved in business or personal conflict, it is our sole function to develop and implement ideas to settle the matter. We settle quickly and effectively.
Out team puts our word and our guarantee on the line each and every day. We know you do every day too. What other full-service strategic planning mediation firm does?
Ask Questions
The question above is one of the key questions that you should ask yourself. Ask when hiring a professional firm to serve as a strategic planner, mediator, coordinator, or problem-solver. It is an industry fact that many if not all mediation firms put your money on the line. The do this but are afraid to stand behind their work. Our money-back guarantee is another distinguishing charateristic that separates us from almost every other firm in America.
Alternative Law Mediation Results has a very high success and resolution rate. If for some reason, our services do not work for you, your company, or law firm, you have the options. You can receive your money back.
Mediation May Be New For You
Although strategic planning and mediation have existed for decades, they are still processes that may be new for some individuals. In addition, they could be new for some companies. As a result, other firms often risk going to court with all its pitfalls. With the unknowns and the costs of the process. Other firms give brief mention to client satisfaction, but we guarantee that we will deliver results. Our mediation systems are time-tested and true. We know that no one can guarantee complete settlement. However, Alternative Law can guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services or your money back. As a result of our consistent high quality services, we are the industry leader. We are able to provide a full-service client-driven customer satisfaction policy.
If we have not delivered the services that we have promised successfully. If you aren’t satisfied after attending 1-3 sessions you can stop. Also, at 8 hours, by phone or in person, you are entitled to stop. You will receive your money back in full. Simply notify us in writing,after any session up to the third communication and there will be no further obligation. If you have not withdrawn or notified us after the third session, you are satisfied with our services.
We are Trained Problem Solvers
We are highly-trained professional business planners, problem-solvers and mediators, and we mediate because Alternative Law Mediation Results works. Our mediators train at approved centers such as our local courts. They train at universities as Cornell University and Harvard Law School. Our mediatiors are trained at th University of Massachusetts, or by government entities including the United States EEOC. Some are trained by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Before you hire another strategic or mediation firm, ask them how their mediation services operate. Are they willing to offer you a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied?
We offer a range of professional services such as strategic planning, mediation, negotiation. We also offer, facilitation, evaluation, and arbitration to settle even the most difficult cases. Our mediators also provide strategic planning for negotiations, pre-mediations. Our team provides trainings, and dispute prevention systems designed to prevent or reduce the incidence of such conflicts.. Alternative Law services provide the most efficient, cost-effective approach to settlement and resolution. We guarantee it.
Many people and companies have never tried mediation before. If you send an email online requesting mediation, or call 1.800.529.1516. get 1 free introductory mediation session. This session is either in person or on the phone. We explain this process to the parties for a successful resolution.
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